Not all of us are blessed with being able to afford a $6000+ water filtration system (I’ve been held captive for 3 hours for a ‘home demonstration’ one too many times to know the price of those guys) and unless you have the cash to spare, just save it.
When moving into our home, we had to deal with a traditional fridge with the freezer on top and no water dispenser. Plastic water bottles were a convenient solution at first, but of course we were determined to be more eco-conscious and purchased a Brita pitcher. This jug was the bane of my existence. Mississauga tap water is moderately hard, and changing out filters was more than often (so not eco-conscious), and the calcium crust that developed in the spout was just gross and not appealing to look at. I never experienced Brita water to have a good taste as well so it’s an overall no from me (cue Simon Cowell).
I am blessed though to have a husband that loves to research products when it comes time for a purchase, because I just have to say I’m interested in something and he’ll summarize the specs for us to mutually come to a final decision.
Our communication skills are rather impeccable.
So Mark researched the best countertop water filters and came upon the Berkey. Two weeks later of debating on whether we wanted the 2.5 gallon or 3.25, we agreed on the 3.25 or the ‘Royal’ Berkey as we didn’t want to have to refill often. We also purchased a sight glass spigot to see what the water level is at any time so we don’t overfill (happened once and ONLY once), and this accessory is absolutely a must.
Another beauty of this product, is that if you take care of the filters, you won’t have to replace them for 10 years (seriously) which is another big bonus for me. Two filters purify 6000 gallons of water, unreal!
Berkey filters remove (as per their website);
Bacteria like E. coli – greater than 99.9999%
Chlorine – removed to undetectable levels
Viruses – greater than 99.9999%
Chloramines – greater than 99.9%
Parasites – greater than 99.9999%
Flouride – up to 99.75% (Add-on PF-2 filters required)
Heavy metals – greater than 99.9%
Trihalomethane (THMs) – removed to undetectable levels
Pharmaceuticals – greater than 99.5%
Petroleum contaminants – greater than 99.9%
Bisphenol-A (BPA) – greater than 99.9%
Radiologicals – greater than 95%
Perflourochemicals (PFOAS) – greater than 99.9%
Herbicides & pesticides – greater than 99.9%
Berkey has a lifetime warranty and support, and are rated A+ through the BBB. It’s a great company, and they make great products.
Why wouldn’t you want the best drinking water for yourself and the family?

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