Raise your hand if you’ve been on your computer way more, streaming on the TV or tablet, and watching Tik Tok for an hour or two before bed
With the major increase of staring into LED and LCD screens at work and home, it’s time to focus on giving yourself frequent breaks and rest your eyeballs and brain. I’ve spoken to my patients about their kids and online schooling and although their concern is them wanting their children to go back to school (valid concern), but my worry is what is going to happen to their brain development and eyes when they’re older.
How do you tell your child they can’t play games on the iPad after school, when they were just on the computer for 6 hours? They know the difference between school and play, but their eyes can’t distinguish the difference when they’re both on screens.
Blue light exposure increases the risk of macular degeneration, and contributes to digital eye strain. The more blue light exposure you have, the risk increases, naturally. Blue light reaches deeper into your eye but its effect can cause damage to your retina, and is connected to the development of age-related macular degeneration. Excessive blue light exposure will essentially age your eyes faster than ‘your normal’.
Dry eyes, eye fatigue, blurry vision and headaches are just the first noticeable symptoms of too much screen time, but other issues from too much exposure to blue light for your brain and body are;
– by disrupting melatonin and sleep, smartphone light can also affect the hormones that control hunger, potentially increases obesity risk
– disruption to your sleep schedule might leave you distracted and impair your memory the next day
– a poor night’s sleep caused by smartphone light can make it harder to learn and focus
– over the long term, not getting enough sleep can lead to neurotoxin buildup that makes it harder for you to get a good sleep
– people whose melatonin levels are suppressed and whose body clocks are thrown off by light exposure are more prone to depression
– there’s a connection between light exposure at night and disturbed sleep that come with it and an increased risk of breast and prostate cancer
– researchers are investigating whether or not blue light can lead to cataracts
Taking screen breaks, getting an eye exam and consulting with an optometrist, and turning on Night Mode on your phone are all great actions to take on your eye health, but one more thing I’d strongly recommend, are blue light glasses. These glasses are designed to filter out the (HEV) harmful blue light and are a must-have for preventing early eye health deterioration.
Aside from getting your own pair, it’s time to get one for your kids as well.
I picked up my own pair from Bamblue as I noticed eye strain and fatigue for the first time a few months ago and honestly, as soon as I put them on to work on the computer, I felt my eyes completely relax.
I use them during the day and nighttime, and I feel confident that I’ve taken the next best step for my health. There’s a solid selection to choose from, and you even get an eco-friendly bamboo case to go with (and their customer service is on point). For an additional fee you can even have your own prescription added to the lens.
Bamblue has partnered with One Tree Planted and every pair of glasses sold is a tree planted where they’re needed most. Right now they’re planting trees for forest fires recovery, specifically on the West coast of North America.
Use my promo code thehonestypolicy to save 10% through www.bamblueglasses.com!
*Disclaimer – I do make a small commision as an affiliate

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