I usually make a monthly post on a recommended product, however today won’t be about a specific product, but an addition to your home that’s proven to reduce stress and add some literal life to your home.
I’m talking about plants.
Having house plants throughout your home (especially in a time of isolation) can make you feel productive and improve concentration. A study has shown that performing a gardening task after working on a computer task lowered blood pressure and the test subjects had felt soothed, comfortable, and felt closer to nature (see the source below).
The act of gardening can help us become aware of the purpose of caring for a plant. Adding fresh soil, using rainwater, adding fertilizer (aka worm poo) and repotting aids in practicing a nurturing touch to a life that’s dependant on you.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a green thumb right from the get-go, but tending to your little sanctuary will take practice, patience, and awareness. Take the lessons you learn and translate that to your body. Pay attention to how much water, nutrients, and care your body needs and apply it.
More than 85% of a persons life is spent indoors, and we’re primarily attached to some sort of electronic device. I can guarantee that spending just 5 minutes watering your plants allows you to take a physical and mental break, and you’ll feel so proud of yourself seeing that tiny new leaf sprouting!
Your mental health is of utmost importance and now is the time to really pay attention to your mood and emotions. With winter approaching and the sun setting earlier, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can hit you really hard without really noticing it, but having some beautiful houseplants around can help be a distraction for any stressors in your life, as well as give your living space colour that you’ve been craving especially when it’s dark, dreary and grey outside.
Some houseplants to start with if you’re not plant savvy and if you’re on a budget are;
– Pilea peperomioides aka UFO plant
– Oxalis triangularis aka False Shamrock
– Tillandsia aka Air pants
Gardening is the cheapest form of therapy, just don’t buy a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree – they’re expensive and will probably die pretty quick.
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