Following a new lifestyle for living with PCOS had been a challenge once started, but now that I’ve been gluten and dairy free for 4 months and following a specific workout plan, I’ve been able to finally feel a difference in my health for the first time in 12 years!
This all happened because I discovered a dietician on TikTok who has PCOS herself, and after looking into her program and Instagram, I decided it was time to take action.
I told my husband that I wanted to try it out, and wanted to experiment with going gluten and dairy free, and if I felt better, I was going to continue because why would I want to go back to feeling like garbage? So with his encouragement and support, I joined.
For women that have PCOS, it’s recommended to take the appropriate supplementation, and although I was hesitant on taking anything (but have now come to the realization that it’s just time for me to supplement), I’ve been taking this miracle worker, Ovasitol.
Ovasitol is a natural alternative to Metformin, which is a prescribed drug meant for type-2 diabetes, but is also used to treat PCOS as diabetes prevention (off label). Metformin needs to be taken long-term, and as any medication, there are side effects to watch out for.
- heartburn
- stomach pain
- nausea or vomiting
- bloating
- gas
- diarrhea
- constipation
- weight loss
- headache
- unpleasant metallic taste in mouth
- Lactic acidosis (buildup of too much Metformin)
- Anemia
- Hypoglycemia
When researching and discussing with my family doctor, we both agreed Metformin would not be appropriate (she is also amazing at being open to more natural and alternative options), and so I had ordered Ovasitol.
Ovasitol is an evidence-based formula that contains myo-inositol and D-chiro inositol that mimics the body’s naturally occurring 40:1 ratio.
In nature, you can find inositols in vegetables: peas, green beans, carrots and asparagus, and found in fruit like: tomatoes, pears, cherries, and apples. Myo-inositol regulates the activity of TSH, FSH and insulin hormones, whereas D-chiro inositol helps the body use insulin as an energy source.
It takes approximately 3 months (or 1 container) for it to have an accurate effect on the body (if taken regularly!). For myself, I had reduced cravings, I became tired earlier in the evening and wake up peacefully before my alarm, thus allowing me to sleep and feel rested (I’d normally go to bed at 2am). My periods have been regular for the first time and felt ‘normal’ and Ovasitol has helped my insulin resistance which is a very common type of PCOS.
In conjunction with a dairy and gluten free diet, my cystic acne cleared completely, I have no more uncomfortable bloating, my ovarian cysts have reduced drastically, my anxiety has improved, and the biggest change I’m proud of, I lost 15 pounds in 3 months without starving myself or beating myself up in the gym.
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