This post is for all the bearded fellas out there. Length, colour, shape, hair type doesn’t matter because all beards and staches need a little TLC. If you think about self-care, what do you do for yourself? I’m sure you have your standard face wash and moisturizer, but unless you’re taking care of your accessory (facial hair is definitely an accessory), you want to make sure you’re not sporting steel wool.
But before we talk about any products, I have to ask, when was the last time you went to a barber for a traditional wet shave? If you haven’t ever, give yourself the pleasure of being pampered on a free morning for a bit of research. Pay attention to the process of using hot water or towels to soften hair, the type of shaving cream or soap, the type of brush, and most importantly the razor itself.
Aftershave shouldn’t be an afterthought, but a simple step, and beard oil brings together the masterpiece you’re dedicated on creating, or maintaining. With facial hair, you never want to use your face moisturizer over the beard in an attempt to target that skin, as your moisturizer isn’t meant for hair of course. Facial hair is mostly moisture deprived for those that don’t take care of it, so in turn you see the beard as dusty, flaky and shaggy. Beard oil really adds the shine and moisture it needs, while also getting to the skin underneath. If using any moisturizer over facial hair, the hair will literally soak up whatever product is applied like a sponge, the skin is still left out, and the beard isn’t looking it’s best as it’s the wrong product. Save it for applying directly to the skin!
In my massage therapy practice, I have treated many men with various patterns and thicknesses of body hair over the back, arms or legs so I have the experience to share. No word of a lie, as soon as I apply oil, the hair just soaks it up and the skin is still dry. I usually need to use roughly five times the amount of oil just to make the hair soft enough that I don’t rip it out due to friction with deeper pressure, and to ensure I get the glide I need once it makes it down to the skin. Truth be told, I generously drizzle my massage oil like I’m dressing a salad just to get enough surface area covered because that hair is damn thirsty!
So back to the face, beard oils are really an easy thing to make. It’s just a carrier oil and some essential oils for a scent, but if you want to add some extras, you can add Vitamin E or make it a combination of carrier oils to suit your preferences. Beard oil doesn’t promote hair growth, but certain carrier oils like unrefined jojoba or argan oil can help create ideal conditions for optimal hair growth, to help stop excessive breakage, thus appearing you have thicker facial hair. Frequent trims also help stop your facial hair from looking scraggly. Rosemary essential oil can help thinning hair as well so that would be a great addition to your beard oil.
Shaving and grooming shouldn’t be complicated, so stick to simple and effective products and start enjoying your self-care.
Watch for this weekend for a recipe and tutorial on my social media platforms!
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