Hey everyone!
I have to sincerely apologize for not being active on my page for a few months now!
To be completely transparent, my husband and I have started our IVF journey earlier this year and I had been caught up in the stress that understandably comes with the territory. The stress I have been feeling is only due to the process of testing, waiting and the treatments for months, and is not to be confused for any sadness, shame, or guilt.
My husband and I had easily accepted that IVF is the path chosen for us, and we are grateful that our doctors are positive that we will have success.
Fertility struggles can be a very sensitive subject to many, but I have chosen to share because I have found that it has been a subject that most would tip toe around and I have connected with other people that are going through it in secret.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and patience, and I’ll be back with regular posts soon!

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