Now that I have educated you on synergy, dilution ratios and carrier oils galore, I can finally get into the nitty gritty of essential oils themselves. First we have a familiar herb in many household gardens, basil.
Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
Labiatae family: Penetrating aroma, stimulating and energizing to the body
Origin: Native to tropical Asia + Africa, now cultivated throughout Europe
Small odiferous herb with white flowers
Extraction: Steam distillation of the flowering plant
Main Therapeutic Properties:
Nervous debility
Gastric and intestinal spasm
Muscular pain
Regulates menstrual cycle
Whooping and spasmodic cough
Sinus congestion, asthma
Helps restore loss of smell
Mental & Emotional:
Mental stimulant
Inhale as you read to help retain information
High eugenol content (can be a skin irritant), use in moderation
Essential oils are to only be used topically, or through inhalation. NEVER ingest unless under the direct supervision of a medical doctor with education about essential oils.
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