It’s hard to apply the principles of massage in regards to pressure on a baby when it comes to general-specific-general, and superficial-deep-superficial combined, meaning;
general/superficial touch
Babies are so small that your hand covers their whole back so it becomes difficult to apply the principles accurately, but you can still apply them and achieve great results.
If you have a colic baby, this oil and massage routine may help calm them down enough to even take a nap!
Starting with baby supported on their stomach on a nursing pillow, apply some of your homemade infused oil on their back either warmed in your hand first, or a bottle warmer.
Lightly knead in large circles, taking care you don’t push too hard on their spine. Be very slow and rhythmic, and feel free to knead linearly from the low back, up to their neck and shoulders.
Then turn your baby on their back and perform the same techniques on their stomach and chest. With their arms and legs, you can hold one limb at a time, and use the other hand to apply the techniques gently with the pads of your fingertips or palms
When it comes to the feet, grasp their right ankle between your left hand index and middle fingers, and their left ankle with your right, and use your thumb to apply circles from their heels, up to the balls of their feet.
Massaging a babies feet is their kryptonite.
Enjoy the bonding time with your babe!

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